The Media module is a heavily used module within the Drupal community which allows users to manage all media types. The default experience is extensive and powerful, but there are further ways to improve the actual user experience when it comes to managing files.
Think of the anticipation of the release of “Star Wars Episode VII,” but in our developer galaxy.Instead of Episode 7, we think 8 is great. And instead of a wait until a Dec. 18 release, Drupal 8 can already be seen, used and fully experienced (as of Nov. 19).
Here’s a checklist, short and sweet, that you should be answering “yes, yes, and yes” to when it comes to the condition of your website:

- Is it unique?
- Is it valuable?
- Is it engaging?
"It’s like Christmas in July around here! Well, in our geeked-out minds, that is – and we know our clients will be singing good tidings of great joy, too.
The last thing you want to become in a relationship with your Drupal web developer is … stuck. It should be a fluid connection with many moving parts working together before, during and after your website launch.
Most marketing teams and businesses think about their websites when it comes to the initial design or redesign, adding features or refreshing the look, feel and functionality, but once those jobs are executed, the expectation is that it will sit there happily drawing in the masses.
Google takes SSL real seriously, flagging sites without them, and, now, as of a few days ago, posting full-page warnings to users accessing websites with SSLs that aren't logged in the public Certificate Transparency log.
What if the key to unlock access to your website’s full potential already lives and breathes within the many software and technology platforms used throughout your company? But your marketing department just doesn’t know it because the key is buried within another department.
How Progressive Web Apps Are Changing the Internet Scene – And You May Not Even Know It
In the world wide web development world, there is a unique purpose and place for each content management platform. Do you know the framework of each system and which one is best for you? Well, we do, and we’ve performed a thorough analysis of each one to cut the work out for you.
You might have heard the terms decoupled Drupal or the more sinister sounding headless Drupal - but what the heck does that mean?
Here at Inclind, it’s no secret that we’re crazy-big fans of the superhero-like software and content management systems provided by Drupal and WordPress.
We’re like Internet ninjas when it comes to spam combat. Spam never sees us coming and never knows what hit them.
Are you thinking beyond your Drupal website just being, well, a website? If your website simply functions as an internet brochure for your business, there are ways to leverage your website’s platform to improve engagement with your customers or simplify processes to make communication easier.
Spoiler alert — we aren’t promising you that your website will actually be number one on Google. Let’s just get that out of the way. In fact, if anyone is promising you that, be warned.
At Inclind, we have chosen to use Pantheon to host our clients’ sites. It gives us an efficient way to update and maintain dozens of sites in one place, so we thought we’d share 3 of our favorite things about Pantheon:
Location, location, location. It’s the old adage that’s the key to success in business, and the same goes as a key to success with website personalization.