We talked about geolocation as one way to deliver personalized content.
Want to find out how to tailor your site content to the device your visitors have their hands on?Nowadays, our digital lives aren’t defined simply by one device. It’s the complex norm to be multi-connected and non-restricted (to just that one).
A healthy website is an optimized website. Optimization is not just about top search engine results, it takes into consideration a website’s overall performance. An optimized website gives users a positive experience and gets you better search engine placement.
Have you ever heard the phrase “think from the end?” It was something an old boss of mine used to always say. The phrase stuck with me through the years and is so applicable to web projects.
We’ve seen it first-hand — marketing teams buried under cumbersome content management systems yet fearful of making the move to a content management system (CMS) that will better serve them.
It was recently announced that Drupal 7 will no longer be supported as of November 2021 which sent up a big firestorm throughout the Drupal community. If your website is in Drupal 7, you may not be feeling concerned since 2021 sure feels far away, right?
"We love Drupal here at Inclind. It is no secret Drupal is our preferred CMS because of its super powers like scalability and rock solid security. But as the non-technical, right brained member of this team of technical minds, I have always struggled with Drupal to get pages the way I want.
Three seconds or less. That is the time that a user expects a web page to load. In 2018, mobile page speed became a ranking factor with Google and a web page that is slow loading will contribute to a lack of conversions and will negatively affect your site’s rankings.
The team here at Inclind tends to compare the process of building a website to building a house.
Well Check
We are all focused on health right now, given the circumstances that surround us, as we work globally to do our part to keep our families, friends and neighbors healthy.
Remote Work
So you may have been doing the work-from-home thing for quite a few weeks now and for some, this may be going on for months to come. Team Inclind has been working remotely for about 5 years and we’ve learned some lessons on how to work best in this environment.
Over the last year, the Inclind Drupal web development team has restructured its approach to building websites with a focus on giving the end user a better experience in managing content and more flexibility in creating pages.
A big part of getting work in the door for us is going through the RFP process. We are always submitting proposals for new prospects, or for new projects for existing clients and in partnership with other agencies.
Redesign or Facelift
You may be thinking that your organization’s website is a few years old and it’s probably time to plan and budget for a whole new website, but what if we told you that maybe you don’t need a whole redesign?
Google launched the most recent update to its measurement platform for web analytics, named Google Analytics 4 (GA4) in the fall of 2020. Does your digital marketing strategy rely on Google Analytics? Are you wondering if you should switch to the new platform?