Unstructured URL
Clutch 2020 Award
Here at Inclind, we know it can be tricky to balance high impact web development while taking care of your other important needs. That’s where we come into the picture!
Developing a functional and friendly-user website is imperative for sustainable business growth. It serves as your first branding and marketing tool, particularly for new businesses. To help you, Inclind is here to build websites that are meant for everybody!
Eaton Realty
Eaton Realty is a family-owned and operated business and believes that overall success comes from the relationships built with its clients. Eaton is dedicated to providing quality service and making the home buying, selling, or renting process as smooth as possible for everyone involved.
Veronica Severyn
From the day she started at Inclind in 2013, Veronica, originally from Belarus, became a strong team player with a customer focus while thriving on problem-solving and achieving results.
Shaun, the founder of Inclind, has spent the last two decades building one of the most robust and skillful web agencies in the Mid-Atlantic.
Bryan Cordrey
Determined web developer with a passion for new ideas. Bryan started at Inclind while earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Web Information Systems. Able to tackle any situation, he has had many roles throughout his nine years at Inclind.
Any web-based project can potentially be decoupled, but may not be necessary or as easily adaptable as others.
These terms are commonly used interchangeably, but do have a notable difference(s). While both have a Content Management System, Database, and API, the primary difference is that a headless CMS doesn't have a visual front-end environment and operates API-first.
A Decoupled CMS operates on a Content Hub Architecture; centralizing all content in one place via API to deliver content anywhere. This content-focused approach accelerates and simplifies content management so developers can create better digital experiences for your clients.
On the surface it may seem that the more you need to keep track of the more margin for error and potential security risk there is (which is unfortunately true).
If there is a "drawback" to opting for a decoupled website, it would simply be a higher initial cost.
Because Drupal continues building from the architecture of previous releases, it continues to lead the charge as a headless and decoupled solution in the CMS ecosystem. Headless/decoupled platforms can vary widely depending on which front-end technology is chosen for the project.
With a decoupled website, you are less constrained by one specific CMS being used. That said, CMSs like Drupal or Wordpress provide core back-end CMS functionalities while still providing "themes" as more traditional front-end functionality.