Unstructured URL
Kindful Review
Donations are the lifeblood of any nonprofit. Even if you have other funding sources, money from donors often makes up a significant chunk of a nonprofit’s budget. Managing these donors - and their donations - is an important part of running a successful nonprofit. 
Absolutely! We can manage multiple websites for you, even if they aren't all on WordPress. Our maintenance and support services are tailored to each site, so managing multiple sites will incur an additional cost.
We understand the critical importance of minimizing downtime, as it can lead to significant financial losses and affect your customer base. Our proactive monitoring system is designed to catch potential issues before they become substantial problems.
Yes, we create daily backups for all WordPress sites we manage. This ensures that your recent data and changes are always preserved. You'll never have to worry about losing important information due to site errors or updates.
WordPress updates regularly and it's important to monitor when updates become available, especially for updates that fix security vulnerabilities. We regularly check for WordPress Core updates, theme updates, and plugin updates.
It's hard to believe, but there are still website developers and website support companies that will lock you into contracts that transfer ownership of your site to them. We think this is utterly wrong. At Inclind we believe that your website is yours and it belongs to you.
Of course! We work with many different CMS platforms, but WordPress is one of our favorites and we provide support and maintenance services for many WordPress sites nationwide. You can view some of the WordPress sites we've built ourselves on our website portfolio page.
We can work on WordPress sites hosted by any hosting company. It should be noted that if one of your goals is increasing site speed, your hosting is going to be one of the largest factors determining how fast your site loads.