Unstructured URL
The United States government operates a checklist of requirements that all federal websites must adhere to. These requirements encompass accessibility, analytics, design, copyright, and more.
We hate that this has to even be a question, but there are some agencies that will claim ownership of your website when you sign a development contract with them. We think this is wrong. You should own all of your digital assets, including your website.
A CMS is a content management system, which exists to help you manage your website content. Many developers will try to push a custom CMS onto governments and municipalities so that they can bill more. Depending on the situation, a custom CMS can have benefits, but it often isn’t necessary.
A good government website is one that effectively serves the needs of its citizens and provides accessible, transparent, and user-friendly information and services. Government sites should be secure, intuitive to navigate, and provide up-to-date information.