Unstructured URL
The team here at Inclind tends to compare the process of building a website to building a house.
As businesses begin to reopen and restrictions change daily, you may be struggling to communicate your latest updates to customers and web visitors efficiently. Consider implementing Drupal Sitewide Alerts.
Remote Work
So you may have been doing the work-from-home thing for quite a few weeks now and for some, this may be going on for months to come. Team Inclind has been working remotely for about 5 years and we’ve learned some lessons on how to work best in this environment.
Over the last year, the Inclind Drupal web development team has restructured its approach to building websites with a focus on giving the end user a better experience in managing content and more flexibility in creating pages.
A big part of getting work in the door for us is going through the RFP process. We are always submitting proposals for new prospects, or for new projects for existing clients and in partnership with other agencies.
Redesign or Facelift
You may be thinking that your organization’s website is a few years old and it’s probably time to plan and budget for a whole new website, but what if we told you that maybe you don’t need a whole redesign?
Developing a functional and friendly-user website is imperative for sustainable business growth. It serves as your first branding and marketing tool, particularly for new businesses. To help you, Inclind is here to build websites that are meant for everybody!
LUNGevity is one of the nation's leading lung cancer organizations. They are passionately committed to making lung cancer a survivable disease. Its mission is to make it easier for people with lung cancer to get the best treatment, information, and support they need as soon as possible.
Blue Water
Jack Burbage, a lifelong resident of coastal Delaware, founded Blue Water in 2002. Since then, the company has developed and acquired a wide variety of commercial and hospitality properties operating mainly in coastal Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia.
Healthier Generation Logo
Healthier Generation is on a mission to make sure every young person has the opportunity to be healthy and ready to succeed. They work with schools, youth-serving organizations, businesses, and communities to create environments where good health is the norm.
Veronica Severyn
From the day she started at Inclind in 2013, Veronica, originally from Belarus, became a strong team player with a customer focus while thriving on problem-solving and achieving results.
Alex Corlew
Alex joined Inclind in February of 2022. He comes from a Web Design and Development background and has a B.S. in Physics/Mathematics from the University of Tennessee Knoxville. Since beginning at Inclind, he has spread his wings and shown the Team what he can do.
Nikolay holds a Masters in Business Administration & Bachelors in International Economics / Marketing but always had a passion for programming. Nikolay is self-taught in Programming. He loves to learn and implement new technologies.
Alex Mccracken
Alex joined the Inclind team in October 2016. With him, he brings a solid background of development, spawned from his bachelor’s degree in computer science from Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pa.
Wordpress has become one of, if not the gold standard for getting a website up and running quickly and easily (especially from a non-developer standpoint).
Though Shopify provides a simpler "set it and forget it" way to get an online store running quickly, it can leave a bit to be desired for having a unique look and feel (unless you have Shopify experts like us to help). That said, Wordpress is great for small business and e-commerce applications.
While it's true the origins of Wordpress were as a dedicated blogging platform, it has dramatically evolved to be a solution for any website you want to be built. It continues to be easy to build and maintain a content management system that bridges the gap for ease of use between you and us!