Unstructured URL
There are risks involved with performing a site migration, but they can be mitigated with proper planning and execution. The biggest risks of a site migration are ranking declines, broken links, indexing issues, and a drop in conversion rates.
Yes, our team of developers can fix site issues as part of your migration. We can scope fixes into our work. We can also help fix any issues that arise after our migration work is complete through our site support and maintenance services.
We understand that site downtime could result in a loss of thousands of dollars for your business. We plan diligently to ensure that your site does not go down at any point in the migration process.
The act of migrating a site can usually be accomplished in less than 4 hours, but there’s a lot of planning and strategy that takes place beforehand to successfully execute a migration.
Nicholas A. Bumgarner
Nick comes from a background in design and development and boasts a Master's degree from Wilmington University. Nick has grown over the years to hold the lead front-end developer position and flourishes in his role regardless of the platform.