August 4 marked the celebration of national Startup Day Across America, plus a visit to the Inclind office from Delaware Senator Tom Carper.
Google takes SSL real seriously, flagging sites without them, and, now, as of a few days ago, posting full-page warnings to users accessing websites with SSLs that aren't logged in the public Certificate Transparency log.
In the world wide web development world, there is a unique purpose and place for each content management platform. Do you know the framework of each system and which one is best for you? Well, we do, and we’ve performed a thorough analysis of each one to cut the work out for you.
A healthy website is an optimized website. Optimization is not just about top search engine results, it takes into consideration a website’s overall performance. An optimized website gives users a positive experience and gets you better search engine placement.
Have you ever heard the phrase “think from the end?” It was something an old boss of mine used to always say. The phrase stuck with me through the years and is so applicable to web projects.
We’ve posted a lot lately about website optimization. We are dedicated to the health and wellness of the websites we develop and deploy, but we also focus on the wellness of ourselves because optimized people make optimized websites.
When LabRepCo, a leading seller of laboratory sales equipment, identified their need to redesign their eCommerce website to improve the design, SEO, content architecture and administrative workflow, the marketing team turned to Inclind to determine the right recipe of technologies to meet their g
The team here at Inclind tends to compare the process of building a website to building a house.
As businesses begin to reopen and restrictions change daily, you may be struggling to communicate your latest updates to customers and web visitors efficiently. Consider implementing Drupal Sitewide Alerts.
Remote Work
So you may have been doing the work-from-home thing for quite a few weeks now and for some, this may be going on for months to come. Team Inclind has been working remotely for about 5 years and we’ve learned some lessons on how to work best in this environment.
Over the last year, the Inclind Drupal web development team has restructured its approach to building websites with a focus on giving the end user a better experience in managing content and more flexibility in creating pages.
A big part of getting work in the door for us is going through the RFP process. We are always submitting proposals for new prospects, or for new projects for existing clients and in partnership with other agencies.
Redesign or Facelift
You may be thinking that your organization’s website is a few years old and it’s probably time to plan and budget for a whole new website, but what if we told you that maybe you don’t need a whole redesign?