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Every content management system has a learning curve, depending on how experienced you are. That said, our team has been creating business solutions using Drupal for many years and is equipped with the skills to efficiently use the platform and teach you/your team to use it too!
Where other CMS platforms tend to focus on pre-defined templates or remain within industry-specific standards, Drupal continues to excel at giving users the advantage of creating ambitious digital experiences.
The latest Drupal release offers all of the same robust multilingual features as the previous version and shouldn't need re-architectured.
Unless stated as an alpha or beta release, Drupal never releases unstable versions of its CMS. Additionally, they provide plenty of time for users to have a specialized team (like us) back up and plan for a full upgrade to the newest version before ending support on a previous version.
Not to brag *too* much, but we know Drupal like the back of our collaborative hands.
Because Drupal continues building from the architecture of previous releases, it continues to lead the charge as a headless and decoupled solution in the CMS ecosystem. Headless/decoupled platforms can vary widely depending on which front-end technology is chosen for the project.
As much as most (if not all) of us would like to simply click the "Migrate" button and have everything update itself, there's quite a bit of careful consideration and planning that NEEDS to happen for a successful migration.
Many variables can influence the time it takes to Upgrade a Drupal site depending on the amount and type of content on your current site, which version of Drupal you're currently using and updating to, and what the update pertains to.
As HUGE fans of Open Source, we try not to play favorites. However, Drupal holds a special place in our hearts! We can migrate any site, Joomla or otherwise, to (one of) our favorite platform(s).