SEO Title
Unstructured URL
Cookie Yes
As champions of digital compliance across the board, we've deployed CookieYes on over 20 websites we manage. This initiative reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of digital integrity and privacy.
CookieYes provides extensive support through documentation, email, and live chat to help you with any questions or issues.
CookieYes can integrate with various web tools and platforms, ensuring seamless consent management across your digital ecosystem.
While necessary cookies may not require consent, using CookieYes can help inform users about your cookie practices and enhance trust.
CookieYes regularly updates its platform to ensure compliance with the latest privacy laws and regulations.
Yes, visitors can easily change their consent preferences at any time through the consent banner or a dedicated preferences section.
CookieYes records and stores user preferences securely, allowing for easy access and modification by users at any time.
CookieYes offers plans that accommodate multiple domains, making managing consent across all your sites easy.
Yes, CookieYes automatically scans your website to identify and categorize cookies, helping you keep your consent banner accurate and up-to-date.
By providing tools to manage consent preferences, block cookies until consent is given, and maintain records of consent for compliance purposes.
Yes, CookieYes supports over 30 languages, enabling you to display the consent banner in the preferred language of your website's audience.
Absolutely. CookieYes allows for full customization of the consent banner to match your website’s branding and meet legal requirements.
Yes, CookieYes offers a simple setup process that involves just copying and pasting a line of code into your website.
To ensure your website complies with international data privacy regulations, protects user privacy, and avoids potential legal penalties.
Cookie consent is the requirement that website visitors give explicit approval before storing or retrieving information from their devices, in compliance with privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA.