Unlike traditional REST APIs, GraphQL allows you to define precisely what information you require, minimizing over-fetching and under-fetching of data for better page speed and user experience. We’re applying this query language in our recent project for Website Redesign. teaser
We're firm believers in creating a dependable environment where our clients can consistently deliver faster and better digital experiences for their customers—finding those suitable mechanisms to make that happen is what we do, and is one that we have come to lean on.
A big part of getting work in the door for us is going through the RFP process. We are always submitting proposals for new prospects, or for new projects for existing clients and in partnership with other agencies.
Have you thought about your website’s accessibility? An accessible website ensures all users are able to easily access your website — this includes people with disabilities. Having an accessible website also goes hand in hand with having an optimized website.
Tunnell Companies Client Teaser
Drupal 9 certainly has a lot to offer as a CMS. New features and updates are rolled out frequently to allow for a better and more efficient back-end administrator experience, which goes hand in hand with the endless options made evident on the Front-End to improve User Experience.