Unstructured URL
11 Best CRMs For Nonprofits
Customer - or constituent-relationship management (CRM) systems are critical to successfully running a nonprofit. This type of software might have been originally designed for businesses, but it is incredibly useful for nonprofit organizations.
WP Adminify Plugin
Introducing WP Adminify - a powerful WordPress dashboard customization tool that can transform your user experience in just a few clicks. Say goodbye to boring login pages and static menus and hello to a dashboard perfectly tailored to your needs.
As fans of Open Source solutions for all we do, we look to take the best of the best of free solutions and customize them for our clients as needed.
Inclind's custom integrations dont avoid any specific area of website development, design, or SEO. More specifically, our goal is to give you a tailored solution that serves both your business AND your clients as effectively as possible.
Custom integrations can seem like a headache if you're dealing with large gaps in release dates between different software, but that's why we're here; to ensure any legacy software is set up to 'play nice' with newer technologies.
Our solutions aren't only for implementing software or components into your site, we create a "central hub" of integrations based on the tools your team is most productive and comfortable with!
Sports at the Beach hosts youth baseball and softball tournaments. The 95 acre facility, located near the Delaware beaches, draws teams primarily from the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states.
Out of the box, Drupal comes with 3 workflow states for node types: Published, Sticky, and Promote to Front Page. ‘Published’ is useful enough to control if content is visible to non-administrative users, but what if you want to mark content as Archived, Featured, or other custom statuses?
If you would like to see how many people are accessing your website from a mobile device, you're in luck! You can easily access this information from your Google Analytics panel. First, go to your Google Analytics account.
We’re excited about our latest launch! We built bridgeland.com from the ground up into a responsive Drupal 7 website with a parallax home page, over 400 blog posts, 3rd party integration with their lead management system and a user-friendly content editor.
Creating fully responsive websites with editable content is often made easy with the use of Display Suite or Panels. These modules allow us to build customized layouts which often incorporate code from a responsive framework such as Zurb's Foundation or Bootstrap.
The Media module is a heavily used module within the Drupal community which allows users to manage all media types. The default experience is extensive and powerful, but there are further ways to improve the actual user experience when it comes to managing files.
Inclind Inc. designed like an expert, clients opened successful online stores, and now Shopify has crowned the Southern Delaware-based web agency with an official Shopify expert status.How’s that for e-commerce royalty bragging rights?
Think of the anticipation of the release of “Star Wars Episode VII,” but in our developer galaxy.Instead of Episode 7, we think 8 is great. And instead of a wait until a Dec. 18 release, Drupal 8 can already be seen, used and fully experienced (as of Nov. 19).
We recently partnered with the Mechanica Agency out of Newburyport, Mass., to help rebrand a company right here in our coastal Delaware neighborhood. And we couldn’t be prouder of the team collaboration and the expert speed it took to get the job done in a time crunch of three weeks.
Let’s face it, checking into the hospital usually isn’t under the most pleasant circumstances, so the last thing you need is one that gives you the cold shoulder because it lacks a communication platform that’s understandable and convenient.
You know you’re doing something right when a client asks you back for another project. This isn’t the kind of industry that gives you second chances if you didn’t deliver the first time around. In fact, our clients, Erickson Living, even treated us to dinner the second round.
The first rule of The Fite Group, when searching for luxury homes, is to have five-star, user-friendly accessibility on the website. In other words, it shouldn’t be a fight.